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“Systems integration, testing and pilot operations”, An event hosted by Railforum-Review

Systems Integration Event hosted by Railforum

An interesting event on the topic of “systems integration, testing and pilot operations” was hosted by Railforum on 20th of November 2018. Program description of this event can be accessed here. Railforum is a Dutch organization that provides a platform to stakeholders from public transport and railways sector for sharing knowledge, experiences and ideas with each other.  This post is divided into three sections, first section provides a brief summary of main points covered by different speakers during the event and a reflection on their talk. Second section digs deeper into identifying key differences in approaches followed for systems integration and last section mentions some of the best practices of knowledge sharing that were observed during the event. “Systems integration, testing and pilot operations”, An event hosted by Railforum-Review

Systems of Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge (SoSEBoK)

The post reviews the article on Systems of Systems (SoS) that was published in Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge (SEBoK) v. 1.9.1, released on 16th October 2018 available here. The article covers major topics related to SoS, be it the defining of SoS, its characterizations, types, application domains or standards. However, few areas have been identified within the article, improvement of which will help in improved knowledge sharing among the academic community. Furthermore, the suggestions are proposed with a mindset to facilitate knowledge sharing of not only explicit but also tacit knowledge among multiple stakeholders, where the latter is usually regarded as a key to success of any organizations (Fengjie, Fei, & Xin, 2004) and results in higher innovation quality and operational performance (Wang & Wang, 2012). Systems of Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge (SoSEBoK)